Centre for Natural Medicine
Holistic Healthcare
For Appointments: 757.575.6186
Disease is EASIER to PREVENT than it is to cure!
This is YOU!

For disease to take place in or on the human body there must be an imbalance at some level that creates an environment that can host that condition. Due to the constant toxic world we live in, our body's cellular functions can be distorted. A distortion in cellular information can lead to a host of poor health conditions if left uncorrected.
The information of the body is a bit like the software of a computer, telling the body’s biochemistry how to organize and structure itself. If you have perfectly operating software, your body knows precisely what to do and can repair itself. Essentially the body is able to work off of a blueprint or set of information codes for optimal health and homeostasis.
A BIOENERGETIX SCAN reads the information of the body by sending the information from our map of the human body-field and then reading the response that comes back to each individual part of the map. The entire scan is completed in a few seconds.
Once the scan is completed, the software returns a graphical representation of any located distortions / imbalances / blocks in the body’s information system, as well as recommendations for therapy—including identified Wellness infoceuticals that are recommended for use. These will then stimulate the body’s healing response and correct the noted distortions. Your choice...Your health...
Numerous researchers have demonstrated and proven that information can be imprinted onto any polymer. BioenergetiX's imprints corrective information into colloidal minerals and various herbs.
While information is not the only critical factor for health, it is the foundational factor that informs and affects everything else within you. For that reason, we have pioneered this field of medicine and developed the only system of care available currently that addresses information, as well as the other two critical factors for health in the human body.
Disease is EASIER to Prevent, than it is to cure.
YOU do have options for YOUR health and healing!
The accuracy of BIOENERGETIX Wellness Assessment Confirmed by Comparison to 3 Independent Energy Assessment Devices.
In a recent large-scale comparative study carried out by the Centre for Biofield Sciences under the supervision of Dr. Thornton Streeter, 96.5% of the 240 participants in the control group experienced a positive change (compared to 35% in the placebo group).
The study also demonstrated the efficacy of the BIOENERGETIX software to highlight energetic distortions, demonstrating that it was comparable to the combined abilities of 3 energy measurement devices:
For appointments: 757.575.6186

Quantum Biofeedback allows you to analyze your body's energy fields to better understand any disorders or imbalances that may be affecting your state of health and well-being at any given moment. Corrective frequencies can be sent back to your body to help restore the natural balance and harmony of your energy fields and thereby improve your well-being
Biofeedback can help you rebalance your energies, and aid you in your health and healing process.