Centre for Natural Medicine
Holistic Healthcare
For Appointments: 757.575.6186
Disease is EASIER to PREVENT than it is to cure!
Clear blockages on an energetic level for physical, emotional, mental and spiritual balance.
How It Works
The QUANTUM BIOFEEDBACK STRESS System, this biofeedback device identifies and records subtle, informational “stress potentials”, provided by the client during the assessment (“test”) procedure.
Results are presented in the form of charts, numbers and text, making it easy to understand. The computer program evaluates each response and then challenges the individual with that information by feeding it back to them. The client uses this information as a self-regulating tool to re-define areas of stress and muscle tension in the body. This process assists the body’s self-corrective, natural defense mechanisms, by encouraging relaxation, balance and harmony.
How It Helps
Balance Your Emotional Stresses and Worries
Enables you to care for yourself, your family, or your friends.
Monitor your health in a relaxed way, safely, and gently.
Preventively keeps your system operating at “optimal health” levels all the time.
Gives you unbiased information from your own subconscious so you can see what your major stressors are.
Check yourself out at any time you have alarming or worrisome symptoms.
Allows you to be intelligent about your health.
Can identify your top ten Emotional Stresses and help you to clear them, leaving you feeling lighter and more positive.
Helps your digestion when you are upset. It can soothe stomach irritation, calming your abdominal area.
Helps you clear any allergies by identifying them and then eliminating the antihistamine effect.
Boost your Immune System to help fight off infections or disease.
Reduce Stress and Activate Healing
In our bodies, a flow of energy connects every cell, every organ, every thought and every emotion. The ease or the interference of this flow of energy reflects the profound system of communication that comprises body – mind intelligence.
The Quantum Biofeedback Device that empowers you to assess your energy flow to identify subtle and unique stressors, inner conflicts and blockages within the body. FDA-Registered as a Stress-Reduction Device, The Quantum Biofeedback System works to organize chaotic energy and bring the body back into a natural and harmonious state of well-being.
Our bodies are electromagnetic and when they are addressed from this point of view, we can do what we are naturally designed to do, heal.
Doctors confirm that over 82% of their office visits are due to stress-related issues. As we all know, continual stress can lead to very serious health issues.
STRESS, can cause many negative health issues!
Digestive issues
High Blood Pressure
Sleep Issues
Weight Gain / Loss
These are just a few of the issues that stress can cause.
Stress will stifle your Mental, Physical and Emotional Wellbeing.
You may not know what is causing you to feel so out of balance.
Management of YOUR Stress is very important to YOUR Wellbeing!