Centre for Natural Medicine
Holistic Healthcare
For Appointments: 757.575.6186
Disease is EASIER to PREVENT than it is to cure!
There are many ailments that are considered to be chroinc conditions. There is always a root cause that has brought on this ailment. Finding the root cause often brings lasting relief.

Eczema is not just a physical condition, it is also a mental and emotional condition. In 95% of adult eczema issues, all three of these issues must be addressed before the healing process starts to bring relief.
Taking steroids have lots of negative side effects. The steroids temporarily clear up the breakout but the eczema always seems to come back, often much worst.
There are times a food allergy test maybe required, dietary changes are needed, stress reduction is a must, a detox is needed and intense skin therapy is required to help detox the areas affected.
Top pictures before therapy

Eczema - after three weeks of therapy
With extreme Eczema it takes about 3 months to get the body to heal it's self. It is a journey of discovery and understanding what your triggers are.
To heal you must deal with the mental, physical and emotional YOU!
The Winter season will often make eczema breakouts more frequent. Damp weather will make the skin itchy.

What you eat can cause severe allergic reactions, weight gain, depression, digestive issues and a host of other ailments. The ALCAT tests for food sensitivities, molds, food dyes, chemicals and food additives. You will be provided with a report that shows the things you have a mild response to and a severe response to. You will also get a list of items you have no negative response to.
What you eat, what is in your environment and what you are exposed to can cause you to be ill. Get tested!