Centre for Natural Medicine
Holistic Healthcare
For Appointments: 757.575.6186
Disease is EASIER to PREVENT than it is to cure!

YOUR health, YOUR choice
Created with your Health in Mind
CONTACT: 757.575.6186
HOURS: 11 AM to 5 PM
Tuesday thru Thursday
Friday Noon to 4 PM
Saturday 11 AM to 3 PM

Dr. Barksdale is a graduate from the Yamuni Institute of the Healing Arts. She has been practicing Alternative Medicine since 1990. Her motto is; Focus on the cause and not the symptoms. Her objective is; helping YOU,
help yourself.
So many people have had their lives touched by some form of major illness. When this occurs it is often a true emotional hardship to everyone involved. The staff at the Centre for Natural Medicine have endured our share of family health hardships, heart disease, strokes and other family issues. It would not have been so hard to endure if we had not witnessed the medical treatments our family members were exposed to.
It seems that too many people are having health issues from the pharmaceuticals being given to them. The negative side effects are destroying people's lives. You can not be healthy when you are being poisoned.
After years of research we found lots of healthy alternative therapies and formulas that aide in the improvements in your health from Chronic ailments. So, CNM put together. A Heavy Metal Test is recommended ($250).
For a disease to take hold of your health there must be an energetic internal imbalance left unattended.
BioenergeticX Scan and therapy can help rebalance your internal stressors, realign your energetic flow. Correct the cellular information flowing through your body's information highway.
If you have Chronic Pain, we have Drug Free Pain Management (Microcurrent Therapy) .
Thermography to assess inflammation & pain, infections, breast health, circulation issues, etc.
Your Health and quality of life are important to us. There is no more guessing at what your body will need to improve your health. We have removed the "guessing game" from your list of concerns about your health. All things are not for all people, you should only be taking what your body requires.